A Week In Sheridan: Day Two


The adults awoke late and the kids were in the backyard playing in the snow.

We eventually got ready and left to part be a tourist downtown and part gather supplies for the rest of the week. Abeletham picked up a snow suit, Azrelius and I (Trevor) picked up some coins at D&J Rare Coins, we all gathered at The Red Bison Studio for a demonstration of mug making, and one last pit stop at Bison Union for their hot coco and coffee for the house.

Finding the groceries we are use to can be quite a quest. Eventually finding most everything at Good Health Market, including a number of items from dear old Petaluma. Some places are just food deserts, at least in the winter. Fresh greens are achievable thanks to greenhouse grow operations like Papa Joe’s Produce (which we will tour tomorrow), and some fresh meat, thanks to the local slaughter house, but fresh bread was impossible to find, giving more onus for the girls to start a bakery here.
